Monday, April 22, 2024
Friday, April 19, 2024
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Accompaniment (WC)
(Wendy Cabell, April 17, 2024 feast day of Our Lady of Miracles (above), Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, and Blessed Mariana of Jesus. Image from here.)
(a few senryu)
evening argument
with Joseph, heart’s balloon deflates
greets dawn’s sunrise
“I’m part bear”, he says
“and part human”, I remind
he ambles to man cave
for inner sweetness
he drops honey in his tea
*From prompt: Write in the form of a senryu, similar to haiku but with focus on the wit and irony of human foibles rather than a focus on nature; can do traditional 5-7-5 syllable structure, or follow modern trend of flexible syllable count. From Lynn Skapyak Harlin’s Senryu workshop (Hope at Hand’s Jax Poetry Festival), April 17, 2024.
Bear’s To-Do List (JM)
(Joseph MacRae, February 26, 2025, feast day of Our Lady of the Fields (Paris). Image from my journal.) Bear’s To-Do List If only I could re...

(Joseph MacRae, May 21, 2024, feast day of the “ Tenderness ” Icon of the Mother of God from the Pskov Caves, whose image is above, from her...
Legend of the Red Tail Hawk Many winters ago, long before anyone can remember, before the change…It is then that all people spoke the same l...
(Joseph MacRae, published in Come to the Table: Recipes for Loving and Serving, edited by Ched Johnson and Nancy Collins-Warner, Monastery o...