(Joseph Macrae, July 24, 2024, feast day of the Rzevsk Mother of God (also honors Saint Nicolas of Myra. Image from here.)
Set Free
A walk in nature, it is a cure – a troubled soul’s repair.
We long to walk in God’s creation, primordial clay.
We do live in a circle, of ancient trees, now only small remnants – rare.
And me? I’m a Sleepytime Bear – sometimes a Raging Bear – my wife will tell you she lives with a bear.
A fledgling crow entangled in vines and string – freed. I gave it a toss, took flight and away.
*From prompt: Freewrite a couple minutes on a series of prompt words, each thought continuing the next, then consider Radcliffe ‘s poem __ and reconstruct your poem to her ABCCB structure and rhyme scheme. From Daisy Barrett Nash’s Legacy Lines series, July 24, 2023.