Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Globe Trotting (WC)


(June 23, 2021, Saint John's Eve, feast day of the above Meeting of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, the Pskov Caves Tenderness Icon of the Mother of God, Saint Etheldreda (Audrey) of Northumbria, Blessed Frances Martel, and Blessed Mary of Oignies. Image from here.)

Globe Trotting

A friend of ours has been everywhere. Somewhat
literally. Past senator, published author, world
traveler. Hard to name a place he hasn't seen.

Our Joseph here's not traveled much, as such. 
Instead roamed where he liked, through his 
work. Northwest waters. Appalachia. Alaskan Outback. 

When said two got in conversation, I their witness, eyes
opened. Our friend spoke of times and places, meant the 
most. Turns out Joseph had been there too, even same folk 
listed he knew. Globetrotting, poor man's style, 
workaday to

      bring a smile, 

              even here–-

                        even you,

                                   even now.

*From prompt: freewrite as inspired by Richard M. Berlin's A Lobsterman Looks at the Sea; from Lisa Freedman's Breathe/Read/Write, June 18, 2021.

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