Saturday, January 29, 2022

Come Sugaring Time (WC)


will replace pik with tree photo once found 

(January 29, 2022, feast day of Our Lady of Chatillon sur Seine (above, connected with lactation miracle recieved by Saint Bernard of Clairvaux), of Saint Blath (Flora) of Kildare, Saint Triphina of Brittainny, Blessed Boleslawa Maria Lement, and translation of the relics of Saint Ignatius of Antioch. On Jewish calendar today is Shabbat Mavarchim (blessing of new month). Image from here.)

Come Sugaring Time

(voice of the Big Tree, next to the stump of the Little Tree, via a photograph by my Joseph)

So they gather here

for the sweetness.

For the space left to shelter those

wings longing for land, their sensing

I’m going nowhere,

as car whizzes past, radio tweets,

and my heart,

sap beat, is

steady. Is

solid. Is

unruffled by drought or storm, host

for welcoming light (spotted by bird and 

lichen) from the fairy gate next door.

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