(Joseph MacRae, from various dates)
Red Tail Hawk Speaks
In the Beginning
In the beginning Great Spirit created all things with here in the balance. It was all good. The Stone people, the Standing people, the Finned, the Feathered, the Creeping Crawling and Plant people. Each was given a purpose with here in the Circle of Life Death and Renewal.
The Red Tail Hawk is a keeper of this balance. To this day Red tail Hawk continues to hunt in the tradition of the Ancestors. Circling high above the Earth, preying on the Rodent and the Creeping and Crawling people, which in return is keeping the balance of natural things, the circle of Life, Death and renewal…
Circle of The Forest
Red Way (one way of the ancient Native Americans) teaches us that everything that is or happens has a place, a reason for being, and a purpose. Red Way also teaches that everything is a sacred part of a Great Mystery and answers to Great Spirit.
Red Tail Hawk has answered the call from the Red Way by sharing all that he sees as he circles above Earth Mother. He teaches us how to live in harmony with all else while fulfilling our purpose. Red Way teaches us that death is change, the bearer of new life where the end becomes a new beginning.
Red Tail Hawk will now tell his story of the Circle of Life in the Forest:
I see that it is a good day to die and a good day to live. The smoke is fading away over the grey wasteland of ash and debris. The black stumps like footprints are left to remind us of the once proud Standing People, remembering...
The Old Forest's floor had become covered with dead and dying debris. Too many of the Old Ones had dead or dying tops, their hearts slowly rotting away. Many had died still standing as spirits of the past. The creeping, crawling four legged and feathered people were many--many more than Earth Mother could nurture. The Old Ones were falling prey to disease. The Lesser Standing People were being stripped of their leaves and bark by hungry browsing four legs. Life was becoming a struggle, the Forest cried out for help!
Earth Mother heard the cry. Earth Mother and Sky Father in the counsel of Great Spirit began to speak. They spoke to Grandmother Moon and Grandfather Sun, the Thunder Beings and Cloud People. All heard the cry. Sky Father cast his blanket across the Earth, the Sky turned black. The Winds danced with fury, the Cloud People hurled rain upon the land, the Thunder People shook the land as the Fire Beings hurled their spears of fire. The Standing People reached out to the Powers and in a blinding flash, they united. Old Forest had begun its Dance of Death.
Fire began to rage as it rode the wind across the land, for many days and many nights it raged wild and free until Earth Mother cried out: "Enough! The Earth has now been cleansed by Fire. It is now a day for renewal."
Not all of the Old Ones died. A few of the Old Wolf Trees were chosen to stay behind, their seeds soon to be cast across the land and a new forest will begin. But first the land must go through another change. The Green People must return and prepare the soil. For a few seasons together with the Lesser Standing People will also provide browsing for the Four Legs as they return to the Land. This is also a time when Red Tail Hawk will return to hunt the Lesser Four Legs, and Creeping and Crawling People to keep their numbers in the balance. In a few seasons the Lesser Standing People will give way to the Giants of the Forest who will rule until it is time for another change.
So the wise Red Tail Hawk has spoken...
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