Legend of the Red Tail Hawk
Many winters ago, long before anyone can remember, before the change…It is then that all people spoke the same language. They shared more than their words. Since the finned, the feathered and the four legged peoples had been here since antiquity they already knew what was edible and what was poisonous, and what herbs were good for healing. So they shared with the two legged people.
At first, there were few of the two legs. But as seasons passed they began to multiply. The different tribes would trade. The hunters and gatherers would trade skins, dried meat and fish for dried corn, flour and beans, and dried seeds in myriad colors. But as time went on, some were not content with-here-in this balance. They began to war against their peaceful farmer neighbors. Soon it seemed there was no peace or safety in the land.
One day as the Brown Hawk circled high above the land, as he hunted looking down upon the Earth, he saw a war party moving toward the west. He knew the difference between a hunting party and a war party. He also knew the peaceful farmers lived to the west. So Brown Hawk flew to the people to warn them of the danger. Their Chief only laughed at him. Saying “Ah, they are our brothers, they are coming to trade.” “No, No!! They carry no goods for trade, they do not bring their families. They are coming with weapons of war,” said Brown Hawk. But no one listened.
So Brown Hawk flew back to the War Chief to try and persuade him to stop. Brown Hawk said to him, “You must not attack the peaceful people. They want to trade with you. Great Spirit will be angry with you for this.” The War Chief paid no attention to him. So Brown Tail Hawk flew back to warn the people again.
By now, it was too late. The sound of thunder could be heard. The war party was upon the village and killing the people. Brown Hawk circled about trying to stop the killing. No one listened. Arrows were flying.
Suddenly, an arrow struck Brown Hawk in the lower back. As he continued to circle above, blood from the wound on his tail fell like rain upon the warriors. The War Chief’s head shot up to see Brown Hawk circling above. He remembered Brown Hawk’s words, “Great Spirit will be angry.” Then the War Chief held up his hand to halt. He motioned for his men to leave the village and return to their own land to the east.
By now, Brown Hawk was feeling weak and in pain from loss of blood. Circling, he could see beyond the mountains to the third mountain, the Great Mountain in the west–the place we all long reach at the end of our life. He became weaker and weaker. Looking down, Brown Hawk spotted a large rock. He glided down and lit upon it to rest. Looking to the Heavens, he breathed “Great Spirit, grant me the strength to reach the last mountain.”
The Brown Hawk heard the voice of Great Spirit. “Brown Hawk, today you were very brave, willing to give your life to save others. So from this day on, all of your descendents’ tail feathers will be red in remembrance of this day. Your descendents will be known as the red tail hawk, or the blood tail hawk. And all who witnessed this day will teach their own descendents to watch for the red tail hawk. To listen to him when he speaks to you. And to ask for his guidance, for he sees from far above. He sees what is needed for the balance. He can lead one back to the Way of Heaven. Now go, finish your journey. Long ago you reached the first mountain, then the second. The third mountain now awaits you, my brave one.”
So Red Tail Hawk again took flight. As he flew his strength returned. The pain, it was gone. But as he continued to fly, blood poured from his tail, making a long , straight red path toward the third mountain. Great Spirit again spoke to him. “Red Tail Hawk! Behind you as you flew you marked a straight red path to follow. It is to be known as the Red Road, the path of the good heart that the two legs must follow to reach the Great Mountain. Your clan will be those who follow this road in the old way, not losing the ancient customs. This they will learn from your descendents, who will refuse to become urbanized in their spirit. Who will continue to watch and learn from the great heights , and to hunt as their ancestors; even when other feathered peoples decline these skills and instead eat what the two legs provide. No, holding to the old ways, such will be your clan. Yet your guidance, your Good Red Road, is open to all of good heart. For all are my children, and I wish for all to come to Me.”
“Now,” continued Great Spirit, “now it is time for you to do your circle, to dance your dance.” So Red Tail Hawk flew high above the mountains. His circles they grew larger and larger. So large, so high, they could no longer even be seen. Red Tail Hawk had reached the Heart of Heaven. The Great Sky Lodge of Great Spirit, its door opened. Finally, Red Tail Hawk was home, upon the Great Mountain.
Yet still, he sings to us:
Remember, O children,
Great Spirit in Heaven!
The path to His Lodge
is the Good Red Road.
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