Sunday, May 15, 2022

Overflow (WC)


(May 15, 2022, Second Passover (Pesach Sheini/Sheni), May's full moon/eclipse--Flower Moon/Milk Moon (tonight), feast day of Our Lady of France (Puy), Our Lady of Good Crops (above), Our Lady of the Port, of Saint Dymphna, Saint Isidore the Farmer, Saint Bertha of Bingen, Saint Caesarea of Otranto , Saint Sophia of Rome (last day of winter in some parts of Europe). Image from here.)


(from the journal, May 11, 2022, Oregon)

Perhaps it is not your fault, what has happened to you. Not your fault, what is happening around you. But it is your responsibility to look up, to not remain in the negativity.--Father Reverend George Cutty Kuriala, 05/04/22 Mass, The National Shrine of the Sacred Heart, Philippines 

Something happened. Breakout room group, Sunday’s BreatheReadWrite, wake of Roe vs Wade’s overturn draft. Suzy’s snapshot of her Manhattan walk, stops outside a Church. Police edge the line between sides. Swirl of shouts eerie, pierce. At center a women in yellow, silent–-hand on heart. Barbara’s stove bears pot of lentil soup. Needed on this day of body’s pain, but stirring knowledge of a homeless man right outside. Knowledge there’s enough if could only…While Holly shows Heaven’s food as love, those with no stomach for it thus starved. My own piece now a blur, save Julia Ward’s “sacred impress, not of Caesar, but of God”. And life after, home clutter’s boiling point. Battle lines drawn. A fight for peace of place, irony not lost. And Joseph’s drive to town, scant grocery shelves, valley stopover at Lobster Creek. Returning with a white flag—white heart rock, smooth now in my palm. Heart’s slow settle in its wake.

Milk Moon spills her Light,

heart catch–-new flow, tend pace--a

breath to trace Her grace

*a try at haibun, inspired by experience at May 11, 2022’s BreatheReadWrite (Lisa Freedman).

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