Sunday, June 12, 2022

Morning Mantras (WC)


(June 12, 2022, Trinity Sunday, Eastern Orthodox Pentecost, feast day of Our Lady of Mantalto, Saint Anna of Kashin, Blessed Maria Candida of the Eucharist, Blessed Pelagia Lenti of Milazzo (whose Guardian Angel could be seen by some), Blessed Florida Cevoli (rotara...), Venerable Hildegard Birgan. On Jewish calendar today commemorates Moses Atop Mount Sinai . Image from here.)

Morning Mantras

“Morning Wenny Penny” (this from Mom)

“Good morning my little ball of happiness” (this to 

my Joseph, who when grumpy seeks some humor)

“Hi happy ball” (my mind grappling for

handholds, translation, when startled awake, 

Joseph’s laughter),

as turn to Joseph’s Mama’s “Each morning it's

resurrection, forgiveness, a gift of another day”, as

this morning winks, wakes,

for the opening.

*From prompt: Freewrite as inspired by the concept of dawn; from Lisa Freedman’s BreatheReadWrite, June 12, 2022.

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