Wednesday, November 23, 2022

L'Chaim (WC)



In Hebrew, the word for life is chai…root word of a common

Jewish toast, L'Chaim, which means “To life!”--the Lerner School

Sourdough bread on the tongue

(awaiting its fennel and dandelion tea),

the room settles, toasty warm, heater humm. 

‘Course the candlelight helps (why, the gold

flecked Icons they glow!). Scent of frost still

on this nightgown, dried outdoors. As Joseph

rolls in, fresh from a sighting–-sparrow hawk on

the porch. Him still as tree not to startle 

her. “Could've cupped her in my hand”, he

says, cradling steep nettle tea now,

raised in toast--

*From a letter composed through Daisy Barrett Nash's Writers At Play, letter writing series, 2022.

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