Thursday, January 26, 2023



(January 26, 2023, feast day of Our Lady of Atocha/Long Fields, and of Saint Polycarp, Saint Paula of Rome and Saint Torgith of Barking. Image from here.)


and it will be-- 

through every Opportunity

        for Kindness

*In memory of Lana, in hopes of carrying on her legacy of kindness.

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Quaking (WC)

(January 12, 2023, 6th day of Christmas (Eastern Orthodox, old calendar), and feast day of the Virgen de Guadalupe (festival), Saint Marguerite Bourgeous (above), Saint Tatiana of Rome, Saint Benedict Biscop, Saint Caesaria of Arles, and Blessed Lucia of Valcaldara.)


 (n.) meaning ‘fear and reverence’

especially in religion is attested from mid-14c.


1964 earthquake turns tidal wave , southcentral Alaska,

A friend of ours, ex senator, world traveler, remembers:

“Now how can I make money out of this?” he’d said, he’d did. 

As my Joseph catches my eye, silent in this conversation,

“Now how can I help?”, he’d have said, he’d have done. 

In partners I chose well, thinks I. 

Bear’s To-Do List (JM)

(Joseph MacRae, February 26, 2025, feast day of Our Lady of the Fields (Paris). Image from my journal.) Bear’s To-Do List If only I could re...