(Joseph MacRae, May 21, 2024, feast day of the “Tenderness” Icon of the Mother of God from the Pskov Caves, whose image is above, from here.)
Back to the Way
Loneliness can be your friend or your foe. When you long for your loved ones, lonliness is your foe. In the deep dark forest the lonliness is your friend. In the deep dark forest the lonliness is your friend.
Technology has gone way too far.
It's now taken control of our minds and our lives.
Lets go on back to the way it once was.
I long to go back to the way I was raised.
Without technology--I was raised
without technology.
I look forward to the celebration when Christ will return.
The earth will tremble in fear, the trumpets will sound.
We’ll fall to the ground in prostration
to worship the Lord–-
This will be our best and our last celebration!
*From prompt: Freewrite as inspired by a series of three words, given one at a time, letting the next word naturally redirect you without overthinking it. The three words were: lonliness, technology, and celebration. From Daisy Barrett Nash's Writers at Play, Legacy Lines series, May 20, 2024.
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