(November 20, 2023, Forefeast of the (above) Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos, Our Lady of La Guarde, and feast day of Blessed Maria Fortunata Viti. Image from here.)
And this world— it can hold so much sadness and pain. It also holds an infinite well of wonder*
like the warmth (of hand, heart)
and the stars (in mind, eyes),
and all that’s melodic (Joseph's guitar
and the veto power of a smile
and to-day -- Its current itinerary
is enough.
*Above quote by Victoria Bennett, author, from interview on Resilience Rising podcast episode 27.
**From prompt: Free write as inspired by the etymology of “thank” and related quotes. From Lisa Freedman’s BreatheReadWrite, November 20, 2023.