(Joseph Macrae, May 27, 2024, Memorial Day, and feast day of Our Lady of Naples (above), Our Lady of the Sick and Saint Melangell Image from here.)
To Let the Flowers Grow
When the gutter flows
from falling rain
on the ground it goes
as every flower knows.
I sense the freshness of
a cool morning rain
that Heaven bestows
to let the flowers grow.
In admiration we watch
the beauty unfold
in shades of red and blue
purple and gold.
Lift up your heads from
the sands and open
your eyes — See the
seed that was hidden
now blooms to Life!
*From combined prompt: Freewrite as inspired by a series of three words, given one at a time, letting the next word naturally continue the piece, without overthinking it. The three words were: gutter, sense and admiration; and freewrite as inspired by this quote from "Marguerite Antonia Radclyffe Hall: "The world hid its head in the sands of convention so that by seeing nothing it might avoid truth." From Daisy Barrett Nash's Writers at Play, Legacy Lines series, May 27, 2024.