Sunday, April 25, 2021

Audio Axioms (WC)


(April 25, 2021, Palm Sunday (with its singing of "Hosanna in the highest..." above) in the Orthodox Church. World Day of Prayer for Vocations. Feast day of Saint Mark the Evangelist. Poem is today's NaPoWriMo poem. Image from here.)

Audio Axioms

(after Jane Mead)

You are no better than anyone else, and nobody else is better than you. 

--NASA Mathematician Katherine Johnson's father's maxim

Do you hear the outstretched earth?

Art around, doves sound, through my window. 

River near, is silent here. Silence louder than the cars 

and murmurs. Meanwhile--Joseph, buttering toast in 

the kitchen, pouring his tea. With honey of course, he's

part bear. Growls of contentment. Quite the symphony.

Do you hear the outstretched earth?

Your own note, no better than any other.

And no other note any better than yours.

*From prompt: freewrite as inspired by Jane Mead's The Outstretched Earth, from Lisa Freedman 's Breathe/Read/Write, April 23, 2021.

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