Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Where Wolves Have Slept (JM) (expanded version)

 (Joseph MacRae, 2003)

Where Wolves Have Slept

(Alaska journal, Noyes Island 1993)

How welcome is dawn on a day off!

To walk this beach, dew still fresh. Dew

holding wolf tracks, leaving the meadow. 

It's straight ahead, just a few steps up,

overlooks the beach. Lively deer hearts

everywhere. Everywhere but two bedded

bowls, deer hearts pressed to the ground.

Wolf beds, still warm! Must have heard me

coming, and left two sets of tracks in

the morning dew. And a tuft of fur, right

there. I pick it up. And put down words,

to remember:

Morning Wakens

where wolves have slept.

A tuft of fur

left in wild deer hearts.


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Bear’s To-Do List (JM)

(Joseph MacRae, February 26, 2025, feast day of Our Lady of the Fields (Paris). Image from my journal.) Bear’s To-Do List If only I could re...