Friday, April 30, 2021

How To Be a Dinosaur (WC)


(April 30, 2021, Great and Holy Friday in Orthodox Church. Feast day of The Passion Icon of the Mother of God, of Saint Marie Guyart of the Incarnation, Saint Apostle James (brother of Saint John) and Blessed Hildegard the Empress, and Saint Onenn of Brittany. On Jewish calendar is 18 Iyar, the Haisidic holiday Lag BaOmer (above). Image from here.)

How To Be a Dinosaur*

Well, it's easy. 

Eat only what you can taste.

Close your eyes to listen deeply.

Look at what's in front of you, not on a screen.

Mull things over. Tell stories. 

Write letters. Actually mail them. So

someone can hold them. Hold the 

hand of someone who needs you. 

How to be a dinosaur? 

Well, it's not so easy. 

Talking with someone he's checking his

phone. Wishes you'd text him instead. He's

got things to do, moves faster than you. 

After all you're only a dinosaur.

Why be a dinosaur?

Well, it's bound to be asked. Truth is,

the world needs something. Something

real to hold to. But don't worry we'll 

be here. We're easy to catch up with. 

After all, we're only dinosaurs.

*For my Joseph-- my favorite dinosaur

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