Saturday, May 1, 2021

May Day Awaiting (JM)

(Joseph MacRae, May 1, 2021)

May Day Awaiting

(in honor of May Day, 2021)

And now, our blessed Mother,

Smile on our festal day

Accept our wreath of flowers,

And be our Queen of May.

- from the hymn Hail Virgin, Dearest Mary)

This morning as I walk

outside I smell the 

fresh cool morning air.

Last night we received

the gift of a light rain,

a welcome gift to a

newly seeded children's garden.

Which we seed each year,

a delight to see

its first tiny green

shoots appear.

After so many dry days, 

it seems as though they

were awaiting the gift

of Earth Mother's 


the rain.

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Bear’s To-Do List (JM)

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