Wednesday, June 28, 2023

On the King's Highway (JM)


(Joseph MacRae, previously composed lyrics with newly added verse, June 28, 2023, feast day of the the Three Hands Icon of the Mother of God. This Icon is connected with Saint John Damascene, whom Our Lady miraculously healed of a severed hand, bidding him to use it well. "According to Tradition, Saint John wrote a hymn of thanksgiving to the Mother of God: 'All of creation rejoices in You, O Full of Grace,' which appears in place of the hymn 'It is Truly Meet' in the Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great." Today also commemorates the Institution of the Angelus. Image from here.)

On the King's Highway

Lyrics upcoming. "I need to let this gel a bit before putting it down," Joseph says.

For background and backstory, see here.

*From prompt: Create as inspired, after hearing "Raven Encounter" by Rev. Dr. Victoria Marie. From Reverend Dr. Victoria Marie’s Art As Spiritual Practice group, June 28, 2023.

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