Wednesday, July 5, 2023

In Times Like These, Sing! (JM)


(Joseph MacRae, July 5, 2023, day before the Three Weeks begins (Jewish calendar), today commemorating the Golden Calf Made; Hur Killed (1313 BC). Image from here.)

In Times Like These, Sing!

I’ve been studying the third chapter of Daniel today. Nebuchadnezzar was trying to get the three young men to worship his idols and they wouldn't do it. So he had them cast into furnace, and he was looking into it, he saw four figures in their dancing and singing. Their clothes weren't even burned. Nothing. So, the king actually blessed their God, our God, because of what he saw happened and he converted. And that's one of the things that eventually led to Jews Being released to go back to rebuild their temple again. 

Well these  three young men, they blessed the Lord for everything that He did. 

Bless the Lord, you son and moon and stars, and sing a hymn to Him, and exalt him beyond measure unto the ages bless the Lord. All the winds sing a hymn to Him and exalt him beyond measure unto the ages.

So, I was thinking, we’re at a time when we're just about where the Jews were at that time, they had been falling away from God, and going their own ways. So He allowed them to be put into captivity. And right now we're faced with several nations threatening us with annihilation and everything else. 

So that's where I kind of got inspired with my song, in the wording, it’s similar. But I just remembered this one little phrase of singing to things on a King's highway. So I just thought that, you know, there's no real words to that song, you can just make up anything that comes in your head that you want to bless God for for creating. You can sing to the things on the King's highway. I'll sing to the trees and all things of the earth, I'll sing to all things on the Kings highway. And like they said, sing and exalt to Him forever. 

So I just kind of went that way and you can just make up your own verses to go along with this. And I just keep doing that every time I think of something else, sing to the world to the things on the King's highway. Sing to this or sing to that, whatever I wish to give thanks for. 

So that's where I got the inspiration from. And this time of need right now, especially with our country, with all these liberal laws they're trying to pass that are really against the Bible. I think it's more important for us to give praise to God every day for what we have. So anyway, that's how On the King’s Highway came about.

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Bear’s To-Do List (JM)

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