Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Weathering (WC)


(April 5, 2023, eve of Passover, and feast day of Our Lady of Moulins, Kasperov Icon of the Mother of God, and of Saint Vincent Ferrer, Saint Maria Crescentia Hoss, Blessed Saturnina Rodriguez de Zavilia, Blessed Juliana of Mount Cornillon, Saint Catherine of Palma and Saint Ethelburga of Lyminge. Jewish calendar today commemorates Maimonides born (1134) and the afternoon Passover Offering in Temple times. Image from here.)


(Alsea, Oregon, April 5, 2023)

Showers this morning.

Sigh of relief (this from I),

deflated moan (this from Joseph)--

till he sees his pals in the garden

so green and spry. ”Well I do like 

when it rains off and on”, Joseph 

decides, “washes, freshens 

it all”.

*From prompt: Freewrite as inspired by etymology of “shower”; from Lisa Freedman’s BreathReadWrite, April 4, 2023.

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