Monday, May 27, 2024

Good Fortune (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, May 27, 2024, day after Sunday of the Trinity, Memorial Day, and feast day of (above) Our Lady of Naples ("believed to be painted by Saint Luke the Evangelist. It was said to be the first image venerated by the ancient Carmelite Order"), Our Lady of the Sick (is miraculous spring),  Saint MelangellSaint BedeSaint Augustine of Canterbury, and Blessed Mariantonia Sama. Image from here.)

Good Fortune

Rejoice, the Spring who is an effusion of grace

-–from the Akathist to the Mother of God Queen of All

our very gutters will humm, once the sky sweeps clean. 

Joseph sets out bowls to catch the rain. 

Such a longing sensed here—this need for a vessel. 

Not just outside the home but within, place to catch the clutter. 

Not just outside the body but within, place to catch mind’s swirl,

bed for Living Water to splash on through, bring all home–-

breath catches in admiration at the shift. Can’t step in

the same river twice they say, it’s metamorphacized.

Sweetest vessel in no wise rigid but alive–-

it will surprise!

*From prompt: Freewrite as inspired by a series of three words, given one at a time, letting the next word naturally continue the piece, without overthinking it. The three words were: gutter, sense and admiration. From Daisy Barrett Nash's Writers at Play, Legacy Lines series, May 27, 2024.

**Real life synchronicity, here.

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