Saturday, April 23, 2022

River-smooth (WC)


(April 23, 2022, Orthodox Great and Holy Saturday, Last Day of Passover, and feast day of Saint George Great Martyr,  Saint Alexandra the Empress (wife of Diocletian), Saint Marolus of Milan, Blessed Teresa Maria of the Cross, Blessed Helen del Cavalcanti, and the French Mercedarian Martyrs. Jewish calendar today celebrates Moshiach's Meal, Isaac Circumcised (1713 BC), and the Encirclement of Jericho. Image from here.)


The shell that snaps, our Lana tells

us, doesn't matter. “I hate edges’, she says, 

shellacking the overlap in collage. But more to the point 

examining a shell in dream, as proof. “My life”, she 

explains, a thousand shards, glued together. When He 

mends you seek in vain for one crack, one small spot 

not river-smooth...

*From prompt: Freewrite as inspired by Elizabeth Alexaner’s Ars Poetica #100: I Believe; from Lisa Freedman's Imagination and Justice BreatheReadWrite (International Women's Writing Guild), April 23, 2022.

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